Package Zen Slack Integration.

Package Zen makes receiving and managing deliveries simple. Retire paper log books and stop wasting time sending repetitive manual emails.

With just a simple photo of the label, Package Zen automatically identifies who a delivery is for and notifies them automatically via email, SMS or now — Slack!

What it does

By installing the Slack integration, Package Zen will:

  • Add a @packagezen bot to your Slack team to send you delivery notifications.
  • Add your Slack team's users as people to your property with their Slack contact info.
  • Keep your property's people up-to-date as your Slack team changes.


  1. First, log in to your Package Zen account. If you don't already have an account, no worries! You can quickly sign up for your own Package Zen account.
  2. Once logged in, go to Integrations settings page under the "Settings" menu.
  3. Click on the "Add" button to create a new Slack integration.
  4. Select your property from the dropdown menu, and then click on "Create Integration".
  5. Authorize your Slack account and then follow the instructions on the page to setup notifications.

That's it. Package Zen will automatically sync your team member's details to our system so their contact information is always up to date!


Package Zen uses contact information to send delivery notifications as detailed in our Privacy Policy.